Mr. Wake

Are you understand?

Location: Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bullet Train Rage

Bullet train service in disarray after passenger clobbers conductor

Police are currently questioning the "bullet train rage" passenger and may arrest him for assault.

I think the guys coming up with these "rages" are scraping the bottom of the barrel. When I think of the bullet train, I think of maybe a "bullet train doze" or "bullet train attendant selling beer who will bow to me whether I buy something or not." But you can't deny this guy was pissed.

Services along the Nagano Shinkansen bullet train line were disrupted Tuesday after a passenger punched a conductor and hurled souvenirs and sandwiches at him because he didn't have a ticket for the first-class seat he was in, police and railway officials said.

They pull a knife, you pull a gun.
They send one of yours to the hospital, you hurl sandwiches and souvenirs.
That's the Nagano way.

It's kind of cute that throwing sandwiches is newsworthily violent behavior.

Also, this is the level of "disarray" we are working with:

Delayed while officials dealt with the incident, a large portion of the roughly 400 passengers who had been on board the bullet train when the incident occurred got off and caught the next Tokyo-bound Shinkansen that arrived at JR Takasaki Station about 9 minutes later.


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